Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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Calow Primary School Governors

Meet the Governors

Mrs Sheila Cotton- Chair of the Governing body- Foundation Governor

I am a  Foundation Governor for St Peter's Church Calow. I retired from teaching in 2016 after 39 years working in Derbyshire Schools, teaching  Early Years throughout my career. I felt I didn't want to retire from school life completely, so taking on a Governor role after retirement seemed the thing to do. I attended Calow Primary school myself and am still involved with the church here in Calow.



Mr James Thompson- Coopted Governor

I have worked for Derbyshire County Council, in both primary and secondary schools, for over 12 years. I have spent the last 5 years as a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Pastoral Care Manager. This has involved me working closely with the Police, Social Care and many other external agencies to provide support, where necessary, for both children and their families. 

I have recently achieved the Level 5 Diploma - Practitioner status with Trauma Informed Schools UK and am currently studying for a diploma in Psychology and Criminology in my spare time. 

I joined the Governing Body at the start of 2022. My aim as a governor is to support the staff and leadership team to achieve their goals for the school and to be a crucial member of the team that will help guide Calow Primary forwards, into the successful future that lies ahead.

Mary Thompson- Coopted Governor








Mrs Hannah Fisher - Co-opted Governor

Fr Steven Tricklebank- Substitute Ex Officio Foundation Governor

The Parish of Saint Peter is currently without its own Priest so I have the privilege of helping out for a while

I was born and bred in Sheffield and left home at 17. My work life has been varied and includes serving in the R.A.F. driving Ambulances in West Yorkshire and working in a Children’s Home in Barnsley.

In 1989 I was ordained Priest and have exercised my ministry both in parish life and hospital chaplaincy. I have a Bachelor degree in Theology and a Masters in the Ethics of Cancer and Palliative Care.

In 2004 I moved to Streatham near Brixton in South London as Vicar of Christ Church. The jewel in the crown was the school which, like our school in Calow, is a single entry primary school. I know from personal and expanded experience that education in its many forms enhances life and life chances. I believe that happy communities help to develop happy and confident people.


Sarah Pearson- Parent Governor

My name is Sarah Pearson and I am parent governor at Calow CofE VC Primary School. I am a deputy headteacher at a school in Nottinghamshire. I enjoy spending time with my family, going for walks and visiting new places.

Mr John Revill- LA Governor


Mrs Anne Greenan- Vice Chair of the Governing body- Coopted Governor

I left secondary school to embark on an Administration career within industry and left to start my family in 1982. 

I volunteered my services at my daughters' school on a regular basis and when a vacant position became available, I applied. 

My career within the Education sector began in 1988, employed as an Administration Officer working for numerous schools within the Derbyshire district.  I achieved a level 4 Diploma in Administrative Management, finance being my forte, but I have many strings to my bow within the school environment. 

I retired as School Business Manager,  December 2021 after serving 33 years. I became a Governor of Calow Primary at the start of 2022.  My main objective being to advise the Leadership team with forward budget planning and help Calow Primary forward into a successful  future.

Julie Oldale- Staff Governor

I have been a teacher for 28 years, a member of staff at Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School for 16 years and the Staff Governor here for 13 years. I enjoy teaching Class 6, being a member of the Senior Leadership Team and being involved in helping to plan the strategic direction of the school. I enjoy travelling, watching musicals and reading, as well as being a Brownie Leader. 

Pam Oxley- Clerk to Governors












 Governor attendance Teaching and Learning Committee 2023-2024.pdfDownload
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