Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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School Uniform Policy

Uniform Item

Standards- details

Clarifying Standards

Navy Jumper, Fleece or cardigan

They may be plain or with the school logo. (School logo can be purchased from school trends. Plain can be from any outlet that sells uniform.)



Any white polo shirt. Shirt may be worn with or without the school logo. (School logo can be purchased from school trends. Plain can be from any outlet that sells uniform.)



Plain Grey or Black trousers (grey or Black school shorts for summer and appropriate weather)

For children who are still toilet training, jogging bottoms may be appropriate.


Plain Grey or black school skirt



Plain Grey or black


School dress

Blue and white checked school dress for summer and appropriate weather



Plain black hard wearing school shoes


Black sensible boots

No high heels


For health and safety reasons jewellery is limited to a watch and a small stud earring in each ear

No rings, bracelets, necklaces etc


Hair should be a natural colour and a sensible style for school

No dual colours, hair extensions, or Mohicans

Make- up

Children are not permitted to wear makeup, nail varnish or tattoos


Physical Education

Black shorts, white or blue T shirt (with or without the school logo), black plimsolls or trainers

Black or navy track suit bottoms and top may be worn in cold weather



Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Uniform with the school logo is available from our uniform supplier, School Trends, on their website. Plain items can be purchased from any outlet that sells uniform. 

Book bags are available to buy from school at a competitive price and can be purchased through Parent Pay.

Please contact the school office if you require any further information.