Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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Forest School

Forest school is an opportunity for your child to experience nature and the outdoor environment in a safe, secure and hands on way.

Forest School allows children to explore, play and problem solve using a range of activities with the aim of building their sense of independence, self-esteem and teamwork abilities.

The children are taught about nature and how to respect all living things.

In our Forest School sessions children may learn how to use some tools and have a small campfire. 

Forest School Clothing Guide:

It can be hard to predict just how many layers a child will need but it is always colder in the shaded areas under the trees. Please see below for our recommendations. Please do not send your child in their best clothes as they will almost certainly get dirty during the session!


The best way to keep warm.

  • Add one more than you think. We can always remove a layer, but once cold, it can be hard to warm up.

Waterproof trousers:

  • Essential!
  • Ski trousers ideal in winter OR a thin pair as an extra layer under trousers.


  • Full length for protection.
  • Extra pair of leggings/tights/thermals under normal trousers in cold weather.

Warm socks:

  • Wellies get very cold!
  • Extra pair of wool/ fleece/ fluffy socks inside wellies.

Waterproof coat:

  • Preferably with a hood
  • Thick and warm in winter (or use an extra fleece layer).

Warm hat

  • Preferably covering ears


  • Thermal and waterproof. Gloves for participating in specialist activities e.g. gardening, foraging, using tools will be provided.


  • Always long sleeves.
  • At least 3 layers under a coat in the winter (e.g. top, jumper, fleece and coat, or ‘base layer’, top, warm jumper and coat)

Waterproof boots:

  • Wellies are essential! 

(Alternatives include snow boots and walking boots).


Your child must bring their clothes to school in a carrier bag, and then put their dirty clothes in the carrier bag at the end of the session.

Children who do not have appropriate clothing for their forest school session will not be allowed to participate. 

Class 4's Forest School Sessions! 

Class 4 practised making different dens using their tarpaulins, they used different knots to secure their dens and also to make frames out of wood. 

We were fortunate to have a snow day, we had a snowball fight and came down the hill!

We also practised using knives to whittle tent pegs and flint and steel to start a fire!

Class 5's Forest School Sessions!

 Class 5 created their own shelters, imagined a 'day in the life' along with beginning to thing about some different skills they would need in order to keep warm outside! 

Class 5 then had a look at starting a very small fire themselves, in their shelters using a flint and steel. 

We also used knives to whittle tent pegs to help hold their shelters down.