Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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Your child needs a PE kit in school each day in case there are other sporting activities happening in school. 

PE kit is: A navy blue t-shirt, black shorts or joggers and suitable trainers to participate in all sporting activities. 



At Calow CofE Primary School PE is taught in the context of the school curriculum intent:  

For our children to develop physical literacy and apply fundamental movement skills within every lesson, we want children to maximise active opportunities throughout PE lessons.  

Children are at the forefront of each lesson so they can have a direct impact on their learning throughout the year.  

We would like staff to have a clear understanding of the Real PE philosophy and utilise resources through support from PE coordinators and CPD with our school partnership (SHAPE).  

Another of our aims is for learning to be enhanced through an extensive after-school club timetable allowing children to experience a wide variety of sporting opportunities.  

During the school day we plan for children to be active at regular intervals and we want staff to understand and appreciate the importance of the positive effects of active learning on the brain.  

We aspire to increase the number of children who are active and engaged at lunchtimes, leading to a healthy lifestyle which is achieved by eating sensibly, being aware of the dangers of drugs, smoking and alcohol and exercising regularly.  

Further to this, we would like children to take the initiative by becoming excellent young leaders, organising, officiating and evaluating what needs to be done to improve, motivate and instilling excellent sporting attitudes in others. We hope these positive attributes will leave a lasting legacy both in and out of school. 

At Calow CofE Primary School our PE curriculum is designed to engage all learners within PE and is done through the Real PE format.  

Physical Education:

  • Children develop and apply fundamental skills and movements within every lesson.  
  • Children are able to challenge themselves in every lesson or make a task more manageable if it is too difficult.  
  • Children are at the forefront and have direct impact of their learning within the lesson.  
  • Staff have a clear understanding of the Real PE scheme through support from PE coordinators and CPD.   
  • Each half term has a specific focus which we call the ‘6 cogs’. The 6 cogs are Social, Physical, Health and Fitness, Creative, Cognitive and Personal.  
  • Learning is enhanced through an after-school club timetable.  
  • Learning is differentiated to support the needs of every child.  
  • Swimming and water safety is taught in KS2.  
  • Sports Premium Funding is spent effectively to develop a lasting legacy for PE and Sport in school.  
  • Children encouraged to be active throughout the school day.  
  • Staff understand importance of active learning.  
  • Children are able to lead their own active play.  
  • Children enjoy PE and Sport and it is used as a vehicle for positive mental health and wellbeing.  
  • Continue to employ a play leader to structure activities at lunch times.  
  • Teach through PSHCE and now the healthy snack policy has been relaunched, monitor it.  

School Sport: 

  • Children given the opportunity to compete in competitive sport and represent the school.  
  • Targeted approach to identifying groups of children to access school sport at various levels of motivation, competence and confidence aligned to a physical literacy approach.  
  • A range of after-school clubs driven by the pupil voice.  



See below for the PE Long Term Plan. 

See below for the EYFS long term plan