Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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Conduct Curriculum

How to behave at Calow Primary Church of England (VC) Primary School. 

At Calow Primary, we know and follow our school values

and motto.

Our School Motto:  Show your SHINE everywhere

S – Show respect

H – Honesty and kindness

I – Include everyone

N – Never give up

E – Enthusiastic learners



Show Respect

At Calow Primary Church of England (VC) Primary School, we:

  • Show respect to God
  • Show respect for all people
  • Show respect for other people’s property and belongings
  • Show respect for ourselves

Honesty and Kindness


At Calow Primary School we value honesty. We always answer things with honesty and compassion.

If things have gone wrong, we need to be honest about our part in them in order to try to put things right.

When we say sorry, we show by our actions that we mean it.

Taking care of our things refers to the school environment.

All members of our school community are expected to do their part to keep the school environment clean, tidy and undamaged.

This means also looking after all the things which belong to you which your parents / carers have provided for you.

All children are reminded not to touch things which do not belong to them.


Include Everyone

When we work or play together, we include everyone. This means caring about other people’s ideas and opinions. We listen to them and discuss them, rather than only thinking about our own ideas and opinions.

We work together as a team – we include everyone.


Never give up

We always try our best and we never give up. This means giving something your best and trying as hard as you can to do well, even when things are challenging. We can try our best in lots of different ways!  We always try our best and never give up. This is called resilience. This means giving something your best and trying as hard as you can to do well, even when things are challenging. We can try our best in lots of different ways!


Enthusiastic Learners

This means giving something your best and trying as hard as you can to do well, even when things are challenging. We can try our best in lots of different ways! This means always being willing to try your learning and showing your teacher that you are ready to learn


Please use the link below for more information on our conduct curriculum


Conduct Curriculum

behaviour Principles 09.22

Behaviour Policy