Calow Church of England (VC) Primary School

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Year One

Welcome to Year One!


Useful Information

  • Our class teacher is Miss Cutts and we are supported by Mrs Woods. 
  • Our Twitter feed is at the bottom of this page.
  • Our P.E days are Monday and Wednesday.  Please make sure your P.E kit is in school and all items are named.
  • Home learning is set every Friday. We use numbots and Spelling Shed. Termly homework projects are also set.
  • Please try to read for ten minutes every day. Little and often is better than one large session.  Your child will be given a reading record to record their reading.
  • Decodable reading books will be changed every Friday.  These books give children the opportunity to practise the sounds they are learning in school. 
  • Children are more than welcome to change their 'reading for pleasure' book as often as they wish. 
Our SMSC Display
Our SMSC Display
Our Reflection Area
Our Reflection Area

This year we will be covering the following topics:

Autumn 1 - What is the Geography of where I live?

Autumn 2 - How are our homes now different from the past?

Spring 1 - Why do we love being beside the seaside so much?

Spring 2- How do our favourite toys and games compare with those of children in the 1970's?

Summer 1- How does the weather affect our lives?

Summer 2 - Why is the history of my locality significant?